by Laura Madeira | August 23, 2013 9:00 am
QuickBooks Statement Writer (QSW) is available with QuickBooks Accountant and QuickBooks Enterprise software. Used to create custom financials, connecting the data with Microsoft Excel. Often used by accounting professionals when working with their client’s data.
Has your client added new accounts since preparing your last report? Locate them efficiently with the All Accounts dialog box. Identifying new accounts created by your client, since the last time you prepared a Statement Writer report, used to be a daunting task. Now, it is easier than ever.
From the toolbar, in the Document Actions pane, select Edit, Show All Accounts. The All Accounts dialog box displays, as shown here:
Any missing accounts from the customized financials will be displayed in red. Optionally, select to show only the Missing accounts.
To review or add the missing account(s), follow these steps:
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